Sage's Story
"Now everything's different!"
Sage walked through the doors at The Union 2 years ago. He came to play basketball with his friends, but he stayed to ask questions. On the outside, Sage looked to be your average rowdy freshman who fit in. But on the inside, he described himself as lonely. Our gym and kitchen became a safe space for Sage to hangout with his friends, eat good food, play basketball, and to seek answers. Over the two years we've had with Sage, we've watched him transform into a young leader at City Life. His confidence and maturity have grown; he's become healthier and more active, and joined his school’s basketball team. But the biggest change we've seen in him has been saying "yes" to Jesus! Sage reflected, “I was sitting at home, thinking about all the stuff they talk about here and thought, why wouldn’t I follow God? He is good and truthful and kind.” He adds, “now everything is different. I am always enjoying myself and looking at the positive.” Praise God for giving life to Sage’s story!